Your guide to the School of Misses

Change password (schoolofmisses)

Click on "Login" in the top right menu and then select "Forgot password". Your email address is

Check & edit profile (schoolofmisses)

Select your profile in the menu at the top and then click on the cogwheel. Here you can adjust your master data and then save it.

Add pictures (schoolofmisses)

Select your account in the menu at the top and select the photo icon next to your user picture. Here you can create albums and add photos. Don't forget to save.

Log in & log out (schoolofmisses)

Select "Register" in the menu at the top right & enter your details. You can then select "Create training courses" in the menu to access the backend.
To log out, go to "Log out" in the menu

Customize profile (administration)

Log in and select "Dates Amelia" in the menu to get to the backend. Click on your profile and adjust your details. You can enter your bank details at the bottom.

Create training courses

In your profile in the backend, you have a menu at the top with an arrow pointing to the right. Click on the arrow to select "Special days" on the far right. Click on the plus and enter the dates of your new training course. Then select "Save special day" and then "Save" at the bottom right to make your training course publicly bookable.

Change training courses

Go back to your profile in the backend and then click on "Special days". Here you have an overview of all your training courses. To edit, click on the pencil on the right and adjust the training location, dates or times. Your students will be notified automatically.

Delete training courses

Go back to your profile in the backend and then click on "Special days". Here you will see a red minus sign in a circle next to the pen in the overview. If you click on this, the training will be deleted.
Attention: If students have already registered for your course, they must be canceled in order to receive notifications.

Change number of pupils

Go back to your profile in the backend and then click on "Assigned service".
Here you can see all your services.
Select the service you would like to work on. Then you can limit the maximum number of places under Places. The left point is the minimum number of students (nicht ändern) and the right-hand point is for the maximum number of pupils.

Change training date

Go back to your profile in the backend, then select "Special days".
Here you can see all your upcoming training courses.
Then select the training course that you want to change from day to day and change the date to the designated day.

Next training courses on the profile

Go to your account in the frontend, select the "Next training courses" tab.
Here you have to press Edit.
Then you can enter your next training courses (the training courses are only displayed in your profile and no training course is created as a result).

Invoice template as PDF

You can download the invoice template here.